Our Curriculum Overview
At West Berry Federation we have developed an exciting new curriculum using the specialism of our teachers to excite the children about all areas of learning. Many of our teaching staff team now travel between the schools to teach one subject to all year groups. Staff have collaborated to produce long term planning documents that are linked to the National Curriculum but adapted specifically for our children. Planning is topic based and repeats on a two year cycle, this ensures our mixed age classes cover everything they need to by the end of Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. This planning allows us to teach creatively and make links across the curriculum. We work hard to continually review planning, share ideas across the Federation and celebrate learning.
Parents receive Knowledge Organsiers at the beginning of each term outlining termly topics in more detail.
Click on the below links to view/download our planning documents:
Long Term Planning
Reception, Year 1 & 2 use the Read Write Inc Scheme of work to learn to write.
Year 3,4,5 & 6 use 'The Write Stuff' Sequences.
'The Write Stuff is based on two guiding principles; teaching sequences that slide between experience days and sentence stacking lessons. With modelling at the heart of them, the sentence stacking lessons are broken into bite-sized chunks and taught under the structural framework of The Writing Rainbow. Teachers prepare children for writing by modelling the ideas, grammar or techniques of writing.'
Reception, Year 1 & 2 use the Read Write Inc Scheme of work to learn to read.
'Read Write Inc (RWInc) is a phonics complete literacy programme which helps all children learn to read fluently and at speed so they can focus on developing their skills in comprehension, vocabulary and spelling.
Year 3,4,5 & 6 use 'VIPERS' as one technique to develop reading skills.
Reception through to Year 6 follow the White Rose Maths Schemes of work.
'Adopting a White Rose Maths approach to teaching means making sure all children have the same opportunities to learn and the support they need to fully grasp concepts. The philosophy behind White Rose Maths also focuses on making maths fun for children and helping them to find enjoyment in number problems'
Intent: A holistic curriculum which engages and excites through creativity and curiosity, opening windows onto the world.
Termly Knowledge Organisers
Parents please look out for the Knowledge Organisers emailed to you at the beginning of term. This will tell you about the topics your child will be covering this term. You will also find these in your child's book when you come in for termly 'Open Books.'